Day 41 — Exploring pybind11 with a snek

Today I paired with Ilia to walk through the poppler codebase. This was of great help as I don't have a lot of experience navigating through large C/C++ codebases. I got to learn about how cmake and C++ preprocessor directives work!

We also walked through the pdftoppm code to …


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Day 40 — Playing with poppler utils

Today I replaced some ghostscript code in camelot with a pdftoppm subprocess call just to see if the tests pass. They did! I think poppler could be the ghostscript alternative that I'm looking for!

  pdftoppm -r 300 -png -singlefile foo.pdf foo

That got me all excited to look into …


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Day 39 — manylinux is awesome!

Today I watched these awesome talks on wheel building by Elana Hashman and Paul Kehrer. I also read PEPs 513, 571, 599, and 600 where I learned about manylinux, and how it solved a problem I used to face a lot! It's the problem of installing Python packages that contain …


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Day 38 — What's inside a Python wheel?

Today I read PEP 427 (and other PEPs mentioned in there) to learn more about Python wheel format! There are two types of distribution formats in Python - a source distribution, and a built distribution. The wheel format belongs to the second category in which things are already built, ready to …


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Day 37 — A rustup doc for Python!

When I was trying to learn Rust (I need to get back :( ) some weeks ago, I really liked how I was able to install every tool I needed to write Rust with just one curl command! I also loved the rustup doc command which opened the docs for my installed …


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