How to build a notebook-based data platform

This post is based on my JupyterCon 2020 talk. I decided to write it 5 years later, because I think that notebook-based data platforms are relevant, now more than ever as AI helps us do more things, to enable citizen data science and seamless collaboration in large orgs. It's a …


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Cerfs-volants dans le ciel de Delhi

J'ai besoin de présenter un exposé sur un sujet peu connu de mon pays dans mon cours de français cette semaine. J'ai choisi comme sujet : le vol des cerfs-volants dans le ciel pour célébrer la fête de l'indépendance à Delhi, d'où je viens. J'ai essayé de faire des recherches mais …


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IPychat — An AI extension for IPython to make it work like Cursor

Recently, I've been exploring geospatial data about Paris. Although I've seen others work with this type of data and know basic terms like shapefiles and polygons, this is my first time working with it myself. I've been looking up terms and going through docs to learn how various geospatial data …


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Running goals on my TRMNL

Last month, I saw Ferruccio with a TRMNL and it picqued my interest because I'd been thinking about putting some things that I always wanted top of mind right in front of me. For example, my running goals that I track using the Strava widget on my phone.

After some …


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Houseplant: Database Migrations for ClickHouse

Originally published on the June blog.

At June, we use ClickHouse as our analytics database to process billions of user events and generate real-time insights for our customers. While ClickHouse is incredibly powerful for analytical workloads, managing database schema changes has been a pain in our dev workflow.

Unlike traditional …


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