Day 53 — A tool to list PE file dependencies

Today I read up on some numpy docs to try and find how they bundle the OpenBLAS DLL with the numpy wheel. I've updated the day 51 post with the things that I found.

I also packaged the find_dll_dependencies function from into a convenient CLI tool which can …


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Day 52 — Bundling DLLs with Windows wheels (the DLL mangling way)

Yesterday, after reading about the DLL Search Order on Windows and DLL Hell, I got concerned about shipping DLLs as package_data, because they might clash with other DLLs with same names that are shipped by other Windows wheels.

This is the gist of the whole issue: If a DLL with …


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Day 51 — Bundling DLLs with Windows wheels (the package_data way)

Last week, I was able to build pdftopng on Windows, but the extension worked only when all the DLLs it depended on were kept in the same directory as the PYD (which is basically a DLL).

At the end of that post, I had some questions around bundling DLLs with …


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Day 50 — `pdftopng` works!

Today I created a test PR to replace ghostscript with pdftopng, and most tests passed! The ones that failed have coordinates hardcoded in them. I'll just need to add a small tolerance in that float comparison and everything should be good to go! Not quite, I need to build Windows …


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Day 49 — JupyterCon!

For the past 4 days, I've been spending some time at JupyterCon! It's been great listening to talks and looking at all the things people are building with Jupyter! All of the chat has been happening on the JupyterCon Mattermost instance. Thank you to the organizers for all their work …


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