Summarize it!

End-term exams got over on 9th. I've been looking for an internship ever since (if you're reading this and looking for a machine learning intern, please contact me). Also, I've been going to hackathons! Went to AngelHack Delhi this weekend. I had formed the team a week back. Yask: my …


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21 revolutions around a G-type main-sequence star

You would've guessed from the title. It's my birthday. I've completed 21 revolutions around a yellow dwarf on this bounded spaceship we call Earth. I wanted to talk about something deep in this post, another time maybe. Let's listen to Coldplay instead. :)


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Some handy git commands

Man, I haven't blogged in a long time! I don't have any particular excuse for that :| So I'm gonna try and write a random post in order to start again, and try to blog frequently.

These are some git commands I found useful in the past two months of contributing …


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BVCOE Programming Club

I think BVCOE really needs a programming club where people can get to know about upcoming programming contests and participate in discussions.

So, I made it here on Facebook. I think the group should have people just from BVCOE and yeah, no spamming allowed.


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End Terms over!

Ah! This post is due for a long time now. So my end term exams just ended yesterday, whereas my friends at other colleges got rid of them by the end of April. Y U DO THIS, GUGSEEPOO?

But no respite for me, as my college has this compulsory summer …


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