Day 41 — Exploring pybind11 with a snek
06 October 2020 · recurse-center TweetToday I paired with Ilia to walk through the poppler
codebase. This was of great help as I don't have a lot of experience navigating through large C/C++ codebases. I got to learn about how cmake
and C++ preprocessor directives work!
We also walked through the pdftoppm
code to see how it converts a PDF to an image, and which sections of the code were not needed to write a pdftoppm
Python wrapper.
Ori had also mentioned that pybind11 is worth a closer look to glue C/C++ and Python together. Since the poppler
codebase is BIG, I thought about writing a small C example that I could then wrap using pybind11
I've been toying with the idea of writing a snake game in C, so I started reading about ncurses and got the hello world working:
#include <ncurses.h>
void main()
initscr(); // start ncurses mode
printw("Hello, world!"); // print hello world
refresh(); // print it on the real screen
getch(); // wait for user input
endwin(); // end ncurses mode
$ gcc snek.c -lncurses
$ ./a.out
Surprisingly, the order of -lncurses
matters. If you put it before snek.c
, the linker throws a lot of "undefined reference" errors!
Wrapping the code with pybind11
turned out to be super simple! I just needed to include the pybind11
header, change the name of the main
function, and add some pybind11
boilerplate to declare the name of the Python module that exports the game
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
void game()
initscr(); // start ncurses mode
printw("Hello, world!"); // print hello world
refresh(); // print it on the real screen
getch(); // wait for user input
endwin(); // end ncurses mode
PYBIND11_MODULE(snek, m) {
m.doc() = "Actually a snek!";
m.def("game", &game, "The game function");
After compiling snek.c
into a shared library:
$ g++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` snek.c -o example.`python3-config --extension-suffix` -lncurses
I was able to import snek
in Python, and call the game
function, which ran the ncurses
"hello world" program from Python!
>>> import snek
I also worked on writing a résumé because I have to start looking for jobs soon. Tomorrow I'll try to wrap pdftoppm
using pybind11
, and then try to write an actual snek
game (which can be shipped to PyPI) over the week!